What is WorldCoin? A Controversial Crypto Project with Iris-Scanning Technology


Worldcoin, a cryptocurrency project co-founded by Sam Altman, has recently garnered significant attention and controversy in the crypto community. The project is centered around a unique identity-verification concept that involves iris-scanning technology. Launched with much fanfare, it gained popularity initially but faced skepticism and criticism due to privacy concerns and centralization issues. In this article, we will explore the rise and challenges of Worldcoin, along with its impact on the digital economy.

The Initial Surge and Concerns of WorldCoin

The Worldcoin (WLD) token experienced a rapid surge, reaching as high as $3.58 on crypto exchanges shortly after its launch. However, these gains were short-lived as the crypto community started to raise concerns about the project. One of the main attractions of Worldcoin is its identity-verification process using a hardware unit called an Orb, which scans users’ irises to prove their human identity.

The Role of Identity Verification in the Digital Economy

Worldcoin’s approach to verifying a person’s identity through iris-scanning technology aligns with the growing importance of identity solutions in the digital economy. With the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into society, secure and privacy-preserving identity verification becomes crucial for various online transactions and interactions. Worldcoin aims to provide a reliable solution to this challenge.

Ethereum Co-Founder’s Concerns about WorldCoin

Despite the potential benefits, some prominent figures within the crypto community expressed their apprehensions. Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum, voiced concerns about potential abuses of the system, particularly regarding privacy, centralization, and security. Such concerns indicate the importance of striking the right balance between convenience and data protection in identity-verification technologies.

Controversies and Exploitation Allegations

Worldcoin has faced controversies surrounding its marketing practices and data collection. Reports suggest that the project has heavily promoted itself in developing countries, leading to concerns about possible exploitation of vulnerable populations. The project’s collection of personal data also raised questions about privacy and informed consent.

UK Data Watchdog’s Inquiry

In light of the concerns raised, the UK data watchdog has initiated an inquiry into Worldcoin. The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) aims to assess the project’s data collection practices and determine if they comply with privacy guidelines. Worldcoin’s response to the ICO’s inquiries will play a significant role in shaping the project’s future.

Tokenomics and Financial Concerns

Critics have also raised questions about Worldcoin’s tokenomics. With only 1% of the total supply currently in circulation, the fully diluted market capitalization of the WLD token exceeds $22 billion. Such an evaluation has sparked debates within the crypto community about the sustainability and long-term value of the token.

The Vision of Worldcoin

Despite the controversies, Worldcoin remains steadfast in its vision of creating a global financial and identity network based on proof of personhood. The project aims to empower individuals in an AI-driven era by providing secure and private digital identities. It aspires to explore possibilities for distributing universal basic income and enabling various online services based on verified identities.


Worldcoin’s entry into the cryptocurrency market has been marked by both enthusiasm and skepticism. The project’s novel approach to identity verification using iris-scanning technology has drawn attention from crypto enthusiasts and critics alike. While the project offers potential benefits for the digital economy, it must address privacy concerns and ensure data protection to gain broader acceptance. The ICO’s inquiry will play a pivotal role in determining the future of Worldcoin and its contribution to the evolving landscape of identity solutions in the digital age.